Welcome to the Korean Air Quality Forecasting System(KAQFS).
The system predicts air pollution concentrations of PM10, O3 and NO2 for up to 48 hours ahead at 03:00 and
15:00 LST every day.
The system consists of MM5(Mesoscale Model 5) to process the meteorological field, SMOKE(Sparse Matrix Operator
Kernel Emissions Modeling System) to calculate the speciated hourly emission data from Ace-Asia and CAPSS(Clean Air Policy Support System) inventories, and CMAQ (Community Multiscale Air Quality) model to simulate the chemical transport.
The forecasting system was developed by the research team led by Prof. Youn-Seo Koo in Anyang University.
Kangwon National University(Prof. Jong-Bum Lee) and Korea National University of Education (Prof. Yoon-Sup Moon) were partially participated for the development of O3 prediction system and MM5 setup, respectively. The Institute of the Environment in UNC(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) also participated in the optimization of the system. Enitech, Ltd. is now taking charge of operating the forecasting system. It had been operated from 2007 and it was replaced with the following system in 2010. 
The forecast system has been updated to WRF v3.1 and CMAQ v4.6 using recently available Asian emission inventory of the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment Phase B (INTEX-B) as well as Korean emission data from 2007 CAPSS. The updated forecasting system has been operating from the year 2010.